Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My take on Oh-no-ma.

This man also scares me. I am an eighteen year old woman, my sisters are only a few years behind me. I have many cousins under the age of five and a couple who are eight and ten. The future scares me with this man in power. My fourteen-year old sister telling me that she doesn't follow politics scares me to death where only a short year ago I laughed and ruffled her hair. THIS IS OUR FUTURE.

Ours, the young people of the world. The young of America. We need to wake up, pay attention to what's going on. I fear that my cousins will grow up in a locked down, stripped of all freedoms world. All because of this one man, elected by the people, for the people. Well, I sure as hell don't see how he's "for the people." HE'S SLOWLY TAKING AWAY OUR FREEDOMS, people! Don't trust him! He's got government fingers in all the biggest money-making pies, he's not creating jobs, he's not stimulating the economy, he's not doing whatever else he promised to do for you!

Wake up, young people of America! Watch the news. Read the paper. Don't sit on your bum and then wonder why the world is falling to pieces around you. Be pro-active. Speak up for yourself. Express your opinions. Use your God and constitution-given rights! STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THE COUNTRY!

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