Monday, August 24, 2009

The Great Minnesotan Get-Together

All right. Raise your hand if you know what I mean by "The Great Minnesotan Get-Together". Good. Now how many of you are from Minnesota? Awesome. So the MSF is practically a requirement here. If you don't go, you're not cool! JK, but its way a big deal. Its big. Its noisy. Its crowded. Its everything I profess to hate. But you know what?

Its worth it. Totally worth it. I love the noise, the sounds, the size and even the smells of the State Fair. Honestly. Its corn dogs and strawberry malts and Crop Art and honey sticks. Its the River Ride and Ye Olde Mill and childhood and adulthood. Its the Sky Ride and pre-fair rush and rollerblading. Its where my sister broke her arm rollerblading and my aunt judged crop art and my grandfather judged the certified crop entries. Its a bucket of fries and Sweet Martha cookies. I love it all. I grew up in it.

When I was young, maybe three or nearly three, my mom worked with my grandfather at the fair. My sister and I were put in one of the county exhibit areas on fake grass and fenced in. We loved it. When I was ten we moved back from Florida just in time for the last day of the fair. And ever since, I've been working there. For a few years, all I did was run errands for my grandfather. But when I was fifteen I got my first job. I stocked and peeled onions and packaged slicers. Last year I was a cashier for a guy who sold hose nozzles. This year, I will work the fair again.

I'll spend my short lunch break running to get my grandfather and I a malt from the busy dairy building across from the haunted house. Maybe I'll buy him a burrito. I will have a coke and a corn dog. I'll indulge myself in junk food for twelve days straight. I'll get up early, and go to bed late. I will finish just in time for school to start on the eighth.

Its chaos.

Its the Minnesota State Fair.

Please leave a comment on your experiences at the MSF or at your own favorite fair! Thanks!

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