Monday, November 30, 2009

Writing Pt. I

I consider myself a writer. Not a novelist, or a short story-ist, or God forbid a journalist (dude, I don't even like asking my family questions) but just a writer. I write all types of things, from action to fantasy to romance. (actually, very little of that last.) I roleplay, but not in the way of WoW or the like. I've never played like that. The closest, easiest explanation and the one I often resort to when telling people of my secret 'obsession' is its like "writing a story" with friends. Its hard to explain, but I'll try.

When you join a site, it will most likely be on a forum board. I usually only play on Proboards, so we'll ignore the others for this blog. ((Invisionfree's good in its own way))

So take something like Accio Horizon or ToRA. Both are awesome sites, and although they have a few differences, one is about the world of Harry Potter and the other is medieval animals, they do have quite a few things in common.

For instance, you must fill out a character sheet and have it accepted by an admin before you can join in the roleplaying. There are OOC boards for the members to play games, show off writings/artwork, or request another character to RP with your character. Each site also has its own set of rules, but some common ones are(pretty much set in stone everywhere) No Godmodding; No Powerplaying; Respect others; respect the staff. Now, each site may have its own specific rules, so its a good idea to read these through.

So I consider myself a writer. And you know what? These things have helped my writing tremendously.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NaNoWriMo Once Again

So its that time again.

NaNoWriMo. Time to break out the cheap chocolate (tootsie rolls), mints, multitude of sites to distract and the iced water. But more importantly, its time to break out the novel. Get an idea, pursue the evil little plot bunny and persuade the characters to cooperate. (I use the threat of being “cannon” fodder in one of my many roleplays. If a character thinks he we will be turned into a hare to charge screaming into death, they’re very cooperative. ;) )

I needed a new novel idea this year. Last year I failed with my idea of twins who travel and eventually bring down a scheming general and Noble’s Circle to take the throne which was in reality the youngest twin’s. This year, I really hated to abandon that world, for I love the idea, just as I love the denizens (I put whatever creatures I liked in it, cats and gryphons and phoenixes and eagles) So there I was, November approaching and no idea. And then Frederic showed up. I gave him a last name, a purpose (travel the country with some traders/rebels and become a sort of inadvertent hero) You see, Frederic is a con-cat. He’s a thief, a pickpocket, a scoundrel, a liar and a down and dirty fighter. But in the process of a job, he trips his mark, and instead of being rewarded with money, he saved his mark’s life and is whisked away to life on the run.

Its set in the same world, even set in the same time-frame, but told from the point of view of a concat instead of by twins. This should be fun, bring on the sugar, late nights and sleepy classes!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My take on Oh-no-ma.

This man also scares me. I am an eighteen year old woman, my sisters are only a few years behind me. I have many cousins under the age of five and a couple who are eight and ten. The future scares me with this man in power. My fourteen-year old sister telling me that she doesn't follow politics scares me to death where only a short year ago I laughed and ruffled her hair. THIS IS OUR FUTURE.

Ours, the young people of the world. The young of America. We need to wake up, pay attention to what's going on. I fear that my cousins will grow up in a locked down, stripped of all freedoms world. All because of this one man, elected by the people, for the people. Well, I sure as hell don't see how he's "for the people." HE'S SLOWLY TAKING AWAY OUR FREEDOMS, people! Don't trust him! He's got government fingers in all the biggest money-making pies, he's not creating jobs, he's not stimulating the economy, he's not doing whatever else he promised to do for you!

Wake up, young people of America! Watch the news. Read the paper. Don't sit on your bum and then wonder why the world is falling to pieces around you. Be pro-active. Speak up for yourself. Express your opinions. Use your God and constitution-given rights! STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THE COUNTRY!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Great Minnesotan Get-Together

All right. Raise your hand if you know what I mean by "The Great Minnesotan Get-Together". Good. Now how many of you are from Minnesota? Awesome. So the MSF is practically a requirement here. If you don't go, you're not cool! JK, but its way a big deal. Its big. Its noisy. Its crowded. Its everything I profess to hate. But you know what?

Its worth it. Totally worth it. I love the noise, the sounds, the size and even the smells of the State Fair. Honestly. Its corn dogs and strawberry malts and Crop Art and honey sticks. Its the River Ride and Ye Olde Mill and childhood and adulthood. Its the Sky Ride and pre-fair rush and rollerblading. Its where my sister broke her arm rollerblading and my aunt judged crop art and my grandfather judged the certified crop entries. Its a bucket of fries and Sweet Martha cookies. I love it all. I grew up in it.

When I was young, maybe three or nearly three, my mom worked with my grandfather at the fair. My sister and I were put in one of the county exhibit areas on fake grass and fenced in. We loved it. When I was ten we moved back from Florida just in time for the last day of the fair. And ever since, I've been working there. For a few years, all I did was run errands for my grandfather. But when I was fifteen I got my first job. I stocked and peeled onions and packaged slicers. Last year I was a cashier for a guy who sold hose nozzles. This year, I will work the fair again.

I'll spend my short lunch break running to get my grandfather and I a malt from the busy dairy building across from the haunted house. Maybe I'll buy him a burrito. I will have a coke and a corn dog. I'll indulge myself in junk food for twelve days straight. I'll get up early, and go to bed late. I will finish just in time for school to start on the eighth.

Its chaos.

Its the Minnesota State Fair.

Please leave a comment on your experiences at the MSF or at your own favorite fair! Thanks!